Where There Is A Need, There Is A Lion!
Being a Lion means making an impact in the Village of Itasca and it's surrounding communities. We financially support and serve multiple organizations such as Leader Dogs for the Blind, Camp Lions, Itasca Police Department, Itasca Fire District, Itasca Park District, Itasca Food Pantry, Itasca Public Library, Itasca School District 10 and many, many others.
We also produce a number of community events for the general public such as Itasca Fest, Italian Feast, Pancake Breakfast, Bourbon & Cigar Night, Candy Day, Luminary Holiday Program, and Motorcycle Ride. These events and our generous donations from community members have raised close to $60,000 this year (2023) that have supported the organizations mentioned above. In fact, we have donated over $400,000 in the last 10 years in an effort to support more than 100 non-profit organizations.
The Lions Club International Foundation has a strong interest in supporting programs that offer support to the blind, deaf and burn communities throughout the country. With 100% of donations going towards grants and programs, the Lions Club International Foundation empowers the compassionate service of Lions and those who need our help. For more information, visit lionsclubs.org.
If you would like to support the Itasca Lions Club, donations can be mailed to:
Itasca Lions Club
PO Box 14
Itasca, IL 60143
Credit Card and cash donations are accepted
at events.
Credit card donations can be made HERE:
Or through Venmo (@itascalionstreasurer)

Our Upcoming Events:
Christmas LuminarIA
The Itasca Lions are proud to continue the tradition of the Christmas Luminary fundraising program, which was started back in 1960 by Boyd and Barbara Hindman. The tradition of candle lit bags lining the walkways and streets of Itasca on Christmas Eve is symbolic of the "Lighting of the Christ Child's Way Home".
The Lions Club will distribute the Luminary (candles & bags) at the Itasca Village Hall drive-thru parking lot on:
Saturday 12/2 from 9am - 2pm
Saturday 12/9 from 9am - 2pm
Rain Date is 5:00 PM on Christmas Day.
The Itasca Lions appreciate all donations for the luminary supplies provided to residents. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our neighbors, luminary donations have allowed the Lions Club to continue our mission of helping those in need.
Donations can be mailed to:
Itasca Lions Club
PO Box 14
Itasca, IL 60133
Credit Card donations are accepted at events.
Or thru Venmo @itascalionstreasurer